One of the biggest hurdles we encounter in our business is trying to make it easy for customers to get accurate measurements. There are many who feel strongly that a tape measure is the most accurate means, and others who claim technology is more accurate and simple. So, we offer you both!

OPTION 1: Use a tape measure. It’s really not that hard! You can do most measurements yourself, or have a friend, a tailor, or a friendly dry cleaner help you. We have a ridiculously detailed guide here that includes downloadable PDFs to print and take with you for note taking. Then just enter your data in My Profile. You can update your measurements anytime. (Don’t have a tape measure? We can send you one!)

OPTION 2: Use your phone to scan. We partner with 3DLook, a body scanning tech that doesn’t require you to download an app. To scan yourself, you just snap two photos and upload them for instant calculation. You MUST use the same email address for your scan as you do your Balodana login, so we can match up the data. You can access it here or using the button below:

Here’s a bit more instruction to make sure you get the best possible measurement accuracy:

How to take a photo for measurement

  1. Wear slim clothing: tight jeans, tank top or tight shirt, yoga pants, fitted blouse, etc. Not too “squeezy” though, we need to see your real shape. Wear the bra you’d normally wear with clothing (NOT sports bra)
  2. Measure barefoot, and take off unnecessary pieces of clothing, accessories, empty pockets
  3. Long hair should be tied up or pulled back
  4. Put the phone vertical, at about hip height for best results.
  5. Follow the prompts on the app to get the right poses and distance.
  6. The distance between you and the camera should be about 6-8 feet. We need your full head and feet showing.
  7. Make sure that your photos are bright and clear, with the distinct contour of your body
  8. Background doesn’t matter as much as lighting but do have a pretty clear contrast between what you’re wearing and the background
  9. If you have a technical failure, you can scan again.

Let us know if you have any technical issues with the scanner – email [email protected].

Privacy disclosure: 3DLook is a trusted third party, and they do not store your uploaded photos on their servers – only the measurement data. The measurements are extracted and the images are deleted automatically. If you want your tailor to be able to see a picture of you, please upload them separately in My Account.